Introductory Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications (3rd ed)

First published as a web text in 1996, this edition runs on tablets and most modern browsers
Multivariate Statistics: Concepts, Models, and Applications (3rd ed)

An extension of the introductory text, this online book was first published as a web text in 1998.
Handbook for a Statistics Project (3rd ed)

This is a manual for how to do a statistics project for my course
Probability Calculator.

First created in 2001 using Java, the current edition uses HTML5 and Javascript and can run on tablets and most modern browsers.

Various instructional videos I have produced over the years

Missouri State University no longer supports my web pages. This contains the final image.
Over the past ten years I have written four entries for Sage Statistical Encyclopedias
Sage Articles

Over the past ten years I have written four entries for Sage Statistical Encyclopedias
My Research Consulting
Data Visualization
Some Other Interesting Sites I Have Created